
Ofcom Appoints Advisers For Review Of Channel 4 Finances

Ofcom Appoints Advisers For Review Of Channel 4 Finances

Ofcom Ofcom has appointed advisers LEK to carry out a detailed review of Channel 4’s finances, whilst the regulator will itself carry out a review of the group’s delivery of its public service broadcasting remit.

Ofcom says that this will include understanding how the Channel 4 group defines and implements its remit, and identifying relevant performance indicators and benchmarks for current and future performance.

The LEK finance review will comprise a detailed examination of Channel 4’s financial statements, business plans and management accounts for the past five years, and of its future performance projections. Ofcom says that where possible, LEK’s opinions will be informed by comparison with relevant external benchmarks.

Departing ITV chief executive Charles Allen criticised Channel 4 in his recent MacTaggart Lecture in Edinburgh (see

MGEITF 2006: Allen Uses MacTaggart To Criticise Channel 4 www.channel4.com

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