
Online Usage Round-Up: Internet Boom Continues Into 2006

Online Usage Round-Up: Internet Boom Continues Into 2006

People Using A Computer The total number of internet users reached 27.6 million during the first quarter of 2006, according to figures released by BMRB. This represents a 12.3% growth from the same period in 2005, and is greater than the 7.6 growth experienced in the same period from 2004 to 2005.

Overall internet usage has risen from 22.8 million during the first quarter of 2004 to the current figure of 27.6 million, suggesting that its popularity is showing no signs of waning.

Usage Location

The number of home internet users grew by 14.6% year on year, and now stands at 25.4 million. Home usage continues to increase at a rapid rate, adding nearly 6 million users over a two year period.

The availability of broadband coupled with the growing popularity of internet based services suggests online media has now become a prime home entertainment product.

Internet Users By Location
(‘000s) 1st Qtr 04 1st Qtr 05 1st Qtr 06 YoY % Ch Q104 – Q105 YoY % Ch Q105 – Q106
All users 22,881 24,625 27,659 7.62 12.32
Work users 7,346 8,413 9,459 14.52 12.43
Home users 19,886 22,167 25,414 11.47 14.65
Academic users 3,135 3,356 3,487 7.05 3.90


Men still remain the dominant group online, despite usage increasing at a greater rate amongst women. Men account for 14.6 million users, whilst women make up just under 13 million users. Usage amongst women has increased by 14.7% year on year, compared to 10.2% for men.

Internet Users By Gender
(‘000s) 1st Qtr 04 1st Qtr 05 1st Qtr 06 YoY % Ch Q104 – Q105 YoY % Ch Q105 – Q106
Male 12.35 13.29 14.65 7.61 10.23
Female 10.52 11.32 12.99 7.60 14.75


The number of people aged over 65 online has risen by a massive 31.2%, meaning they now make up 1.9 million of all users. Usage amongst 55-64 year olds also rose sharply, by 22.5% to 3.3 million users. These figures suggest that the internet has more appeal with the older generation than ever before.

People aged 35-44 remain the biggest single group online, totalling 6.3 million with a healthy increase of 12.3% year on year.

Internet Users By Age
(‘000s) 1st Qtr 04 1st Qtr 05 1st Qtr 06 YoY % Ch Q104 – Q105 YoY % Ch Q105 – Q106
15-24 4.8 5.41 5.8 12.71 7.21
25-34 4.8 5.17 5.53 7.71 6.96
35-44 5.49 5.66 6.36 3.10 12.37
45-54 3.88 4.18 4.7 7.73 12.44
55-64 2.51 2.7 3.31 7.57 22.59
65+ 1.37 1.47 1.93 7.30 31.29

Social Grade

Whilst usage remains highest at the top end of the scale, the biggest growth occurred in the DE category which registered an 28.5% increase year on year. There are now 4.4 million DEs online, compared to 3.4 million a year ago.

The number of AB and C1 internet users grew steadily, and they now account for just under 18 million of all users.

Internet Users By Social Grade
(‘000s) 1st Qtr 04 1st Qtr 05 1st Qtr 06 YoY % Ch Q104 – Q105 YoY % Ch Q105 – Q106
AB 7.77 8.37 8.85 7.72 5.73
C1 7.77 8.37 9.12 7.72 8.96
C2 4.11 4.43 5.25 7.79 18.51
DE 3.2 3.44 4.42 7.50 28.49

BMRB: www.bmrb.co.uk

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