
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: December 2005

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: December 2005

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

December saw the British newspaper market exhibit mixed performances for the nation’s daily titles, with respectable circulation rises in the quality sector outweighed by a downturn in sales across both the mid market and popular divisions.

The latest ABC figures released today show the market as a whole in decline, with circulation decreasing by 1.68% year on year overall.

The Daily Express recorded the largest dip in sales, losing 10.9% on December 2004’s total to leave the paper with a circulation of 800,403.

Elsewhere, Northern and Shell stablemate the Daily Star also suffered, losing 3.8% in the same period to leave a circulation of 779,556.

Some titles had cause for celebration, however, as the Financial Times bucked the trend for decline to achieve its highest circulation since May 2004.

The title’s healthy increase of 2.7% year on year gives a total circulation of 439,563, just one month after editor Andrew Gowers resigned, citing “strategic differences” with the FT‘s management (see FT Editor Steps Down Citing ‘Strategic Differences’).

Elsewhere in the quality sector, compact titles the Times and Guardian continued to benefit from their reduced size, adding 1.4% and 5.8% to their respective circulations year on year. Meanwhile, fellow compact the Independent suffered a 0.9% downturn in the same period.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Dec 2005
Daily Titles Dec-04 Dec-05 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 904,647 897,385 -7,262 -0.8
Financial Times 427,808 439,563 11,755 2.7
Guardian 359,891 380,693 20,802 5.8
Independent 252,552 250,195 -2,357 -0.9
Times 652,442 661,400 8,958 1.4
Mid Market        
Daily Express 898,697 800,403 -98,294 -10.9
Daily Mail 2,318,824 2,311,023 -7,801 -0.3
Daily Mirror 1,700,902 1,678,997 -21,905 -1.3
Daily Record 452,357 438,652 -13,705 -3.0
Daily Star 810,238 779,556 -30,682 -3.8
Sun 3,180,141 3,119,757 -60,384 -1.9
Total Daily 11,958,499 11,757,624 -200,875 -1.68

Quality Daily Titles

The Daily Telegraph remained the nation’s best-selling quality daily title in December, despite a dip of 0.8% year on year, with a circulation of 897,385.

The Independent also saw a slight dip in circulation, dropping 0.9% of its total year on year to rest at 250,195.

There was a positive mood elsewhere, as the FT celebrated its highest circulation since May 2004. The title now commands sales of 439,563 following a 2.7% increase year on year.

The Times also saw an upswing in sales, adding 1.4% year on year to 661,400, while the nation’s newest daily compact, the Guardian, notched up an impressive 5.8% increase to 380,693.

Mid Market Daily Titles

December saw a less positive performance from the nation’s mid-market titles, with decreases for both the Daily Mail and the Daily Express.

The Daily Express was the worst hit, shedding 10.9% of its sales year on year to total 800,403. Elsewhere, the Daily Mail‘s loss of 0.3% from its circulation in the same period left the title with a circulation of just over 2.3 million.

Both titles recently announced cuts to their cover prices in an effort to boost sales, pricing themselves at 30p, with speculation suggesting that the reductions could spark a full-blown newspaper price war (see Price War Looms As Newspapers Cut Costs).

Popular Daily Titles

The popular market continued to look depressed during December, with circulation decreases reported across the board.

The Daily Star was the worst hit, with a year on year loss of 3.8% leaving the title with sales of 779,556. The Daily Record was also seen struggling, with a 3% downturn in the same period pushing its circulation to 438,652.

Market leader the Sun also suffered, losing 1.9% from its circulation, but retaining its position as the nation’s best-selling paper, with a total of 3.1 million. Arch rival the Daily Mirror also sank during December, shedding 1.3% of its sales to total 1.7 million in the same period.

Sunday Newspaper Market

The Sunday newspaper market looked down in the mouth during December, with only the Independent on Sunday and the Sunday Times seeing circulation increases.

The newly-tabloid Independent on Sunday notched up the largest rise in sales, adding an impressive 7.2% year on year following its switch to compact format in October 2005 (see Independent On Sunday To Make Tabloid Switch).

The Sunday Times saw a rise of 0.6% to 1.3 million in the same period, while others put in a less solid performance. The Daily Star Sunday saw the largest decline in circulation, dropping by 26.8% year on year in December to total 382,231.

Elsewhere the Sunday Express put in a poor performance, losing 12.9% from its circulation to total 809,041.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Dec 2005
Sunday Titles Dec-04 Dec-05 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 204,358 219,040 14,682 7.2
Observer 433,934 430,403 -3,531 -0.8
Sunday Times 1,304,919 1,313,258 8,339 0.6
Sunday Telegraph 687,435 642,256 -45,179 -6.6
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,335,266 2,215,765 -119,501 -5.1
Sunday Express 928,839 809,041 -119,798 -12.9
Daily Star Sunday. 521,869 382,231 -139,638 -26.8
News Of The World 3,684,161 3,509,189 -174,972 -4.7
People 932,015 886,235 -45,780 -4.9
Sunday Mirror 1,537,006 1,513,323 -23,683 -1.5
Total Sunday 12,608,124 11,959,428 -648,696 -5.1

Quality Sunday Titles

The Independent on Sunday and the Sunday Times were the only titles to see significant circulation growth year on year in December, adding a healthy 7.2% and 0.6% respectively.

Elsewhere, the Observer saw a 0.8% decline in sales in its last full month as a broadsheet title (see Observer Makes Transition To Berliner Format). The title now commands sales of 430,403.

The Sunday Telegraph saw the largest decline in the quality sector, shedding 6.6% year on year, leaving the title with a total circulation of 642,256.

Mid Market Sunday Titles

The Sunday mid market looked in similar shape to its weekday counterpart in December, with declining circulations evident across the board.

The Sunday Express suffered the most, losing 12.9% year on year to leave the title with sales of 809,041, while the Mail on Sunday shed 5.1% in the same period to total 2.2 million.

Popular Sunday Titles

Declines were evident across the board in December’s popular Sunday market, with the Daily Star Sunday leading the way, shedding a sizeable 26.8% of its circulation year on year, leaving the paper with a total of 382,231.

The News of the World also suffered, losing 4.7%, while arch rival the Sunday Mirror lost 1.5%. The papers now command sales of 3.5 million and 1.5 million respectively.

Elsewhere, the People continued to see declines, losing 4.9% year on year to total 886,235.

Six Monthly Year On Year Analysis

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jul 2005 – Dec 2005
Daily Titles Jul 04 – Dec 04 Jul 05 – Dec 05 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 907,048 903,920 -3,128 -0.3
Financial Times 426,369 425,901 -468 -0.1
Guardian 371,494 382,291 10,797 2.9
Independent 261,801 259,178 -2,623 -1.0
Times 658,182 689,141 30,959 4.7
Mid Market        
Daily Express 929,323 825,320 -104,003 -11.2
Daily Mail 2,403,528 2,363,724 -39,804 -1.7
Daily Mirror 1,777,408 1,717,262 -60,146 -3.4
Daily Record 478,980 456,237 -22,743 -4.7
Daily Star 882,079 839,677 -42,402 -4.8
Sun 3,301,223 3,257,551 -43,672 -1.3
Total Daily 9,772,541 9,459,771 -312,770 -3.20
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jul 2005 – Dec 2005
Sunday Titles Jul 04 – Dec 04 Jul 05 – Dec 05 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 212,375 213,797 1,422 0.7
Observer 447,292 438,483 -8,809 -2.0
Sunday Times 1,339,367 1,366,851 27,484 2.1
Sunday Telegraph 695,346 678,712 -16,634 -2.4
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,399,832 2,292,809 -107,023 -4.5
Sunday Express 991,781 864,704 -127,077 -12.8
Daily Star Sunday. 491,281 411,301 -79,980 -16.3
News Of The World 3,745,113 3,718,682 -26,431 -0.7
People 989,772 917,662 -72,110 -7.3
Sunday Mirror 1,597,291 1,506,268 -91,023 -5.7
Total Sunday 12,909,450 12,409,269 -500,181 -3.9

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