
Channel 4 Onboard For Bluetooth Billboards

Channel 4 Onboard For Bluetooth Billboards

FourDocs Poster Today sees the launch of networked Bluetooth-enabled poster sites on London Underground by Viacom Outdoor, enabling more campaigns than ever to offer interactive content to commuters within the zone 1 area.

The permanent network enables tube users to download content on to their mobiles using any of 15 Bluetooth ‘jacks’ developed by technology company Wideray and housed within 6-Sheet poster sites.

The first advertiser to use the new technology will be Channel 4, promoting its broadband documentary service, FourDocs, by enabling tube users to download documentaries from the posters direct to their mobiles.

Nicky Cheshire, sales director of Impact at Viacom Outdoor, explained the new technology’s appeal, stating: “By using our Bluetooth platform Channel 4 has embraced a unique opportunity to interact with an audience hungry for content. We are confident that the Bluetooth Network will be welcomed by London commuters and will therefore offer our clients a new and compelling way of engaging with consumers on the move.”

The campaign is designed to drive traffic to the FourDocs website, and to encourage users to upload their own four-minute documentaries which can then be viewed and reviewed by others (see Channel 4 Unveils FourDocs To Boost PSB Content Online).

Specialist outdoor agency Posterscope was responsible for planning the interactive campaign. James Davies, board director at the company believes that interaction on the underground is an exciting prospect for advertisers.

“Out of home is a rapidly evolving medium especially with regard to interactive opportunities,” he explained. “The key to success is providing high value content to people when they are in a receptive mindset and the combination of Channel 4’s mini-documentaries and Viacom Outdoor’s Bluetooth product launch is a great one.”

Recent research by Viacom Outdoor found those using the tube network to be most receptive to advertising, with the lowest incidence of consumers avoiding ads exhibited while using London Underground’s network.

Elsewhere, 87% of those surveyed by the outdoor specialist said they welcomed advertising on the tube as an improvement to the environment and as a source of information and entertainment (see Research Claims Ads Improve Bus and Tube Networks).

Channel 4’s Bluetooth-enabled campaign launches today, running for two weeks and supported by other standard poster sites on the London Underground network.

Viacom Outdoor: 020 7482 3000 www.viacom-outdoor.co.uk

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