
Telewest Tackles Sky With Increased HD Service

Telewest Tackles Sky With Increased HD Service

Telewest's On Demand Service Cable giant Telewest has extended the reach of its fledgling high definition TV service to over 4.5 million homes, building on its launch to 400 customers in London at the end of last year.

Announced in parallel with the launch of the company’s new personal video recorder (PVR), dubbed TVDrive, the extended HD services will bring crystal clear programmes from BBC Worldwide into subscribers’ homes, with pay-per-view movies due for availability soon.

The HD content will be made available through Telewest’s on-demand service, Teleport, which completed its roll out to all of the company’s customers late last year (see Telewest Completes On-Demand TV Roll Out).

Telewest became the first broadcaster in Britain to broadcast HD content last year, with a small number of households in London selected to receive the signals (see Telewest First To Launch HDTV Services).

The latest extension to the broadcaster’s HD operations is a direct attack on multi channel dominant, BSkyB, which is due to launch its own HD service later this year (see Sky Gears Up For High Definition Launch).

Despite its head start, the cable giant could still be forced into playing catch-up with its satellite rival however, as Sky’s launch of HD services will instantly cover the UK, thanks to its all-encompassing satellite footprint, whereas the cable firm will have to roll out HD in phases across Britain.

That said, for the time being Telewest is the only broadcaster offering the high-quality broadcasts. Philip Snalune, managing director of consumer products at newly merged ntl Telewest said: “HDTV takes the viewing experience a significant step beyond standard digital television and has to be seen to be believed. It’s set to become this year’s must-have home entertainment experience and Telewest customers are the first in the UK to get access to it.

“We’ll add more choice of high definition viewing this year and combining TVDrive with our existing on-demand service we’re giving customers TV on their terms. Viewers no longer need be tied to the schedule and can now watch what they want, when they want, with unparalleled picture quality.”

Telewest: 0845 142 0000 www.telewest.co.uk

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