
YouTube Takes A Step Towards Going Mobile

YouTube Takes A Step Towards Going Mobile

YouTube Logo Social networking behemoth YouTube has made a definitive step towards going mobile, after the company singed a deal with US telco Verizon.

The deal will see some of the most highly rated YouTube videos available on Verizon handsets, where subscribers to the Verizon Wireless’ V Cast package, who pay around £7.50 a month or £1.50 a day for access to video services, will be able to use YouTube’s first mobile service.

YouTube said the service will launch in early December in its first strategic mobile distribution agreement. No date has been confirmed for a UK mobile service.

Social networking site MySpace is also looking for mobile partners to launch and promote MySpace mobile services across Europe (see MySpace Searching For Mobile Partners).

The company recently appointed former business development manager at Vodafone, Jean-Paul Sanchez, to the position of vice president of mobile for Fox Interactive in Europe in a bid to increase the social networking site’s audience by offering its services to mobile users (see MySpace Takes A Step Closer To Going Mobile).

YouTube: www.youtube.com

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