Nielsen Media Research To Release Amended TV Costings

Nielsen Media Research has updated its TV costings and methodologies, a process it began in January of this year, in order to both improve the way it works and to stay on top of the rapid changes occurring in the media industry.
Over the past three years Nielsen Media Research discovered that digital costs for ITV had been underestimated, while costs for Channel 4 digital channels were over estimated because they were using the same costs as the main station.
Also as part of the update, revenue in the Satellite/Cable – Other category, has been redistributed due to previous over estimation of Viacom, Turner and Universal, and under estimation of ITV Digital channels. In addition, TV sales house information has been updated.
The Channel 4 and ITV digital costs have now been back-dated to July 2003, with satellite estimates from Media Audits applied from January 2006.
The amended TV costings and methodologies will be released this week and Nielsen is also completing a similar exercise on its radio costings, which it will announce shortly.