Third Of US Teens Online For Over Three Hours A Day

Four in ten or 37.4% of American teens spend at least three hours a day online outside of school, according to a Burst Media survey of more than 1,800 connected teens between the ages of 13 and 17.
Just one in five or 19.6% say they are spending less than an hour online outside of school. For teens, the web is a more meaningful source for movie and TV news than word of mouth or local newspapers.
Internet time is simultaneously homework or television time. About half claim to be working on homework while online, while 33.8% say television or a film usually competes for their attention.
Additionally, a combined 40% say they’re also text messaging or talking with friends on their mobile phones while online.
Chuck Moran, manager of market research for Burst Media, suggests that marketers can use the internet to create a central content point for teens on a variety of subjects and interests.
“By doing so marketers can then develop integrated marketing campaigns with advertising creative and programmes referencing a central platform and working in tandem to get teens’ attention,” he said.
The internet is now seen by teens as the top source of information on music, artists and bands. While teenagers are still more likely to cite television as their main source for movie and television programme updates, the web isn’t far behind. That makes the web a more meaningful source for movie and television news than word of mouth or local newspapers.