
Who Is The Big Brother Golden Ticket Winner?

Who Is The Big Brother Golden Ticket Winner?

The Big Brother Logo The search for the Big Brother golden tickets continues, with just hours left before the deadline for the innovative competition closes (see Big Brother Seeks Contestants Through Wonka-esque Promo).

The golden tickets can be found inside special packets of Kit Kat chocolate bars and, once discovered, they must be verified online for the lucky ticket grabber to stand a chance of getting into the house.

Sales of Kit Kats have increased dramatically since the promotion began on May 18, and Nestle customer services have been inundated with calls asking them where they can buy the special Kit Kats.

In the two weeks leading up to today’s deadline, the ticket hotline has received several calls from Big Brother fans claiming to have lost or mislaid their tickets, with some fame-hungry people even saying that their pets have feasted on them.

Some of the people to have found a golden ticket so far include a woman who claims to have bought 10,000 Kit Kats in a desperate attempt to get into the house, and a 24-year-old self-confessed playboy who works for a glamour model photo agency.

The special Kit Kat bars were distributed to around 40,000 retail outlets nationwide, ranging from the major supermarkets to confectionary kiosks in train stations, and stringent security measures were put in place to protect the operation of competition.

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