
Clear Channel Outdoor Offers Premiership Ad Bonanza

Clear Channel Outdoor Offers Premiership Ad Bonanza

Clear Channel Logo Clear Channel Outdoor has announced that it is offering new Premiership football packages in time for the forthcoming season.

Clear Channel Outdoor UK provides more than 80,000 advertising opportunities across its brands; Clear Channel Billboards, Clear Channel Adshel, Taxi Media and Clear Channel Connect. Campaigns can be booked throughout the season, beginning with the 14 August in-charge.

Pip Hainsworth, marketing director, Clear Channel Outdoor UK, said: “Our sites surround the 20 Premiership stadiums, reaching a weekly average of nearly 700,000 people as they are on their way to and from the grounds. They are an affluent and motivated community, often travelling and converging on the grounds in groups.

“Clear Channel Outdoor six-sheets, Connect phone boxes and 48-sheet billboards surround the fans and become part of the whole experience. They can be bought as a single format or cross-format for even greater impact, and combined with other proximity labels such as pubs and bars in the vicinity, and with coverage campaigns for optimum reach and frequency.”

Clear Channel Outdoor is the world’s largest outdoor advertising company with over 870,000 displays in more than 50 countries across six continents.

Clear Channel: 0207 478 2928 www.clearchannel.co.uk

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