
Commercial Radio Creates Single Body To Strengthen Industry

Commercial Radio Creates Single Body To Strengthen Industry

Radio The Commercial Radio industry has announced plans to create a single industry body, aimed at supporting advertisers and working towards a common vision for the Commercial Radio sector.

The new body will be based at the Radio Centre on Shaftsbury Avenue. Funded by the Commercial Radio industry the organisation will represent the interests of the radio sector to external organisations, including Ofcom.

As well as taking on Commercial Radio Companies Association (CRCA) and RAB responsibilities, the new body will incorporate the activities of the RACC, JICRIT and HIT40UK, benefiting from shared central services including public relations, finance, technology and external affairs.

Commenting on the announcement, Paul Brown, chief executive of CRCA, said: “There are considerable challenges for Commercial Radio and recent consolidation has changed the shape of the industry.”

“The aim of creating a single Commercial Radio industry body is to pull our industry back into growth and to strengthen the position of all of its members with external organisations.

Douglas McArthur, chief executive of RAB, added: “Radio is firmly at the centre of media convergence. A new cohesive and forward looking industry body should deliver a more valuable joined-up service to the advertising business in this digital future. This move is positive for advertisers in that it moves the RAB team closer to core decision-makers in Commercial Radio policy and programming.”

At the moment, the Commercial Radio sector is in the middle of a nation-wide tie up with the Department of Health to help smokers kick the habit over the course of a five week promotion (see NewsLine).

The Big Quit will run across 195 local radio stations, giving the anti-smoking message a reach of over 36 million adults.

Last year saw both Live8 and UK Radio Aid achieve mass audiences with their cross-network broadcasts. Musician and organiser of Live 8, Midge Ure, praised the power of the platform in getting serious messages across to listeners, while UK Radio Aid more than tripled its fund-raising targets with 12 hours of syndicated broadcasts (see Radio Aid On Course To Raise £4 Million).

CRCA: 0207 306 2603 www.crca.co.uk

RAB: 020 7306 2500 www.rab.co.uk

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