
Analysts See Movie Downloads From Apple Next Week

Analysts See Movie Downloads From Apple Next Week

IPod Video Computer giant Apple will launch of a full-length movie download service next week, if claims by analysts are to be believed, with the technology firm holding a special event promising “fun new products” on Tuesday.

According to market experts at American Technology Research (ATR), the iPod manufacturer will extend its iTunes Music Store to provide full-length film downloads, and has also developed a new video-orientated version of its mp3 player to match the service, although it is not known whether this will debut next week.

Writing in a research note to clients, ATR’s Shaw Wu said the analyst sees a “greater than 50% chance” that Apple will launch a movie download service on Tuesday, with the increasingly media-centric computer firm buoyed by its recent completion of 1 billion downloads through its iTunes music store.

The company’s one billionth song was downloaded yesterday morning, just prior to iTunes’ third birthday. The service is now on track to reach the 1.5 billion milestone by the end of the year.

Last year saw iTunes branch out into video sales for the first time, initially offering music video content, before offering the world’s first legal TV download service (see Apple Goes Public With First TV Download Service).

Apple: www.apple.com

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