
thelondonpaper Remains In Front Of London Lite

thelondonpaper Remains In Front Of London Lite

Man Reading A Paper thelondonpaper‘s circulation remained ahead of the London Lite‘s in October, with thelondonpaper enjoying an increase of more than 3,900 copies month on month.

thelondonpaper now has a circulation of almost 495,700, whilst the London Lite‘s rests at almost 401,000 after a month on month decline of nearly 900 copies.

Paid-for title the Evening Standard enjoyed a small month on month increase in circulation, up around 0.5%, taking its total to over 292,500.

The paper recently launched a new website as well as a cashless payment card that its readers can swipe at sales points to pick up their copy (see Evening Standard Gets Cashless Payment Card).

The morning freesheet Metro was up more than 109,900 copies month on month, or 17.3%, whilst the morning business freesheet City AM was up by almost 1,500 over the same period.

The titles now have total circulations of nearly 746,800 and almost 100,600 respectively.

Title Audit Sep-07 Oct-07 Actual Change PoP % Change PoP
Morning Papers          
City AM BDP 99,108 100,576 1,468 1.5
Metro (London) BDP 636,841 746,758 109,917 17.3
Evening Papers          
Evening Standard (London) ABC 291,150 292,544 1,394 0.5
London Lite BDP 401,855 400,993 -862 -0.2
thelondonpaper BDP 491,706 495,650 3,944 0.8
Total London Papers   1,184,711 1,189,187 4,476 0.4

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