
Freesheets Reach Recycling Agreement

Freesheets Reach Recycling Agreement

Newspaper Reader thelondonpaper and London Lite have reached an agreement with Westminster council over clearing up discarded copies, with the two titles each buying and managing recycling bins in the West End of London.

In addition to the council’s regular street sweeping, the newspapers will also conduct regular litter collections.

News International, publisher of thelondonpaper, will look after recycling bins in Oxford Circus and Charing Cross, while Associated Newspapers, publisher of the London Lite, will be looking after Leicester Square and Victoria Station.

The recycling bins will have council and newspaper logos, as well as featuring a phone line for any complaints about waste.

The deal comes a month after Westminster Council threatened to cut distribution points in Westminster by 30%, with freesheet distributors also required to sweep up within a 100 metre radius at the end of each shift (see Council Could Implement Tough New Freesheet Rules).

The new deal will see News International and Associated Newspapers install between 32 and 40 bins, with the scheme operating for an initial three month period.

The latest ABC figures show that thelondonpaper remained ahead of the London Lite in July, with the titles distributing over 550,400 copies and almost 400,600 copies respectively (see thelondonpaper Stays Ahead Of London Lite).

Associated Newspapers: www.associatednewspapers.com News International: 020 7782 3922 www.newscorp.co.uk

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