
BARB Enters Stage Two Of Tender For New Research Contracts

BARB Enters Stage Two Of Tender For New Research Contracts

BARB Logo TV measurement body BARB has entered the second stage of its formal tender process for new research contracts required from 2010, with seven separate companies issued invitations to tender.

In December last year, 24 proposals from 12 different organisations were received for the first stage of the process, or the ‘request for proposals’ (see Suppliers Line Up For BARB). Final tenders should be received by July 2007 and new contracts could be awarded by the end of the year.

Bjarne Thelin, BARB’s chief executive, said: “Suppliers are being encouraged to continue to develop their proposals to ensure that the BARB service remains progressive.

“We have been, and will continue to be, actively assessing the feasibility and integrity of proposed techniques, including lab testing where appropriate. We also plan to field test some elements in the coming months.”

Bidders are expected to demonstrate an ability to respond to the changing media landscape, such as providing the option to report and track non-linear content, and offering flexibility for the future. Maximising respondent participation is also a key requirement.

As a primary goal BARB is seeking to cover televisual content wherever it is consumed within the home including, if feasible, via PCs and transportable devices. Quality control, functionality, continuous provision of service and appropriate methodologies are fundamental elements.

The measurement body also commented that approaches would be engaged which enable out-of-home viewing to be captured as a possible additional goal, if the UK media industry values such a function.

In addition, BARB said that the successful suppliers must also consider digital switchover, with the service having to reflect analogue and digital worlds at the start of the contracts, and the progression towards a digital-only world in 2012 (see Digital Switchover Gets October Start Date).

BARB: www.barb.co.uk

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