
Johnny Vaughan Signs New Capital Contract

Johnny Vaughan Signs New Capital Contract

Johnny Vaughan GCap Media has announced that it has renewed Johnny Vaughan’s contract to host Capital Radio London’s Breakfast Show in an exclusive three year deal.

Johnny has been presenting the Capital Radio breakfast show since April 2004, taking over from Chris Tarrant.

At the last RAJARs, released in October, Capital Radio remained London’s top breakfast station, with over 780,000 listeners tuning into Johnny Vaughan’s show.

However, the station recorded a decline in weekly reach of 8.2% period on period, a drop of around 700,000 listeners (see BBC Radio 2 Is Nation’s Number One Breakfast Station).

Steve Orchard, group operations director of GCap Media, said of Vaughan’s new contract: “Throughout last year we made great improvements to the sound of Capital Radio, making it more London-centric and playing more credible contemporary hit music.

“This year we are determined to bring those listeners who have gone to other stations back home.

“No-one can deliver the warmth and humour that Londoners want from their breakfast show as well as Johnny can, and we are confident that the show will thrive in 2007 with Johnny at the helm.”

Quarter four 2006 RAJAR figures are released this Thursday, with NewsLine providing comprehensive coverage of all areas of the results.

GCap Media: 0207 663 7000 www.gcapmedia.com

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