
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: December 2006

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: December 2006

Man Reading Newspaper Daily Newspaper Market

The nation’s daily newspapers once again saw their overall circulation decline, dropping by just over 3% year on year for December 2006.

It was a dismal picture across all sectors, with the Popular titles suffering the most significant losses. The Daily Mirror felt the largest dip, losing around 138,000 issues, or more than 8% from its total, to leave it with a circulation of just over 1.5 million.

The Daily Mail remained static whilst the Daily Telegraph was the only daily paper to boost to its circulation, adding around 2,100 copies.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Dec 2006
Daily Titles Dec-05 Dec-06 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 897,385 899,493 2,108 0.2
Financial Times 439,563 437,720 -1,843 -0.4
Guardian 380,693 365,635 -15,058 -4.0
Independent 250,195 238,756 -11,439 -4.6
Times 661,400 635,777 -25,623 -3.9
Mid Market        
Daily Express 800,403 773,768 -26,635 -3.3
Daily Mail 2,311,023 2,311,057 34 0.0
Daily Mirror 1,678,997 1,540,917 -138,080 -8.2
Daily Record 438,652 407,212 -31,440 -7.2
Daily Star 779,556 750,374 -29,182 -3.7
Sun 3,119,757 3,028,732 -91,025 -2.9
Total Daily 11,757,624 11,389,441 -368,183 -3.1

Quality Daily Titles

The Times was the worst affected Quality title in real terms, shrinking its circulation by more than 25,500 copies or almost 4% from its total year on year for the month. The paper’s total now rests at 635,777.

The Guardian and the Independent saw their totals decrease, down by around 15,000 and 11,500 respectively. The Guardian now commands a circulation of 365,635 whilst the Independent sits at 238,756.

The Financial Times shed just 0.4% from its total, less than 2,000 copies, to leave its circulation at 437,720, whilst the Daily Telegraph added just over 2,000 copies to give it a total circulation of around 900,000 copies.

Mid Market Daily Titles

The Daily Mail remained static year on year for the month at a total circulation of around 2.3 million, whilst its Mid-Market counterpart, the Daily Express, dropped more than 26,500 copies from its total, leaving it with a figure of 773,768.

Popular Daily Titles

All Popular daily titles saw their circulations fall year on year in the last month of 2006, with the Daily Mirror suffering the worst actual decline.

The Mirror lost around 140,000 copies from its total, or 8.2%, to leave it with a circulation of more than 1.5 million. Market leader the Sun also shed copies from its total, which now rests at just over three million after a drop of more than 90,000.

The Daily Record and the Daily Star also saw their circulations dip year on year. The Record lost around 31,500 or more than 7% from its total to leave it with 407,212, whilst the Star dropped around 29,000 to leave it with 750,374.

Sunday Newspaper Market

The Sunday newspaper market experienced an overall drop in circulation of 5.1% year on year for December, a decline in real terms of 603,176.

The Mail On Sunday experienced the largest increase in real terms, with its circulation growing by around 26,000 year on year.

The biggest decline was felt by the Sunday Mirror , which lost around 190,000 from its circulation to leave it with a total of more than 1.3 million.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Dec 2006
Sunday Titles Dec-05 Dec-06 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday 219,040 198,871 -20,169 -9.2
Observer 430,403 435,852 5,449 1.3
Sunday Times 1,313,258 1,212,886 -100,372 -7.6
Sunday Telegraph 642,256 643,592 1,336 0.2
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday 2,215,765 2,241,752 25,987 1.2
Sunday Express 809,041 759,495 -49,546 -6.1
Daily Star Sunday. 382,231 354,809 -27,422 -7.2
News Of The World 3,509,189 3,380,746 -128,443 -3.7
People 886,235 766,842 -119,393 -13.5
Sunday Mirror 1,513,323 1,322,720 -190,603 -12.6
Total Sunday 11,920,741 11,317,565 -603,176 -5.1

Quality Sunday Titles

The Observer recorded the largest increase of any Sunday Quality in December, of 1.3% year on year. The paper bolstered its total by almost 5,500 copies, giving it a circulation of 435,852.

The largest decline in real terms in the sector was felt by the Sunday Times, which fell 100,372 year on year. However it remained the Sunday Quality with the highest total circulation, of over 1.2 million.

The Independent On Sunday suffered the largest drop percentage wise of the Sunday Qualities, of 9.2% year on year, to leave it with a circulation of just under 200,000.

Meanwhile, the Sunday Telegraph‘s circulation remained fairly static, rising by just 0.2% to leave it with a total figure of around 643,000.

Mid Market Sunday Titles

In the Mid-Market, the Mail On Sunday experienced a year on year rise of 1.2% for the month, to give it a total circulation of more than 2.2 million.

However, the Sunday Express suffered a decline of almost 50,000 copies year on year, or 6.1%.Its total circulation now rests at around 760,000.

Popular Sunday Titles

All of the titles in the Sunday Popular sector suffered declines in December, with some harder hit than others.

The Sunday Mirror felt the largest actual decrease in the sector year on year, of more than 190,500, leaving it with a circulation figure of around 1.3 million.

The News Of The World remained the title with the largest circulation in the sector, at over 3.3 million, although it was down 3.7% year on year.

The Daily Star Sunday saw the smallest loss in actual terms, of around 27,000 year on year, a 7.2% drop in circulation, whilst the People suffered the largest decrease in percentage terms in the sector, of 13.5% year on year or around 119,500.

Six Monthly Year On Year Analysis

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jul 2006 – Dec 2006
Daily Titles Jul 05 – Dec 05 Jul 06 – Dec 06 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 903,920 899,806 -4,114 -0.5
Financial Times 425,901 430,469 4,568 1.1
Guardian 382,291 376,271 -6,020 -1.6
Independent 259,178 253,720 -5,458 -2.1
Times 689,141 662,487 -26,654 -3.9
Mid Market        
Daily Express 825,320 803,454 -21,866 -2.6
Daily Mail 2,363,724 2,357,878 -5,846 -0.2
Daily Mirror 1,717,262 1,608,367 -108,895 -6.3
Daily Record 456,237 420,486 -35,751 -7.8
Daily Star 839,677 786,627 -53,050 -6.3
Sun 3,257,551 3,144,567 -112,984 -3.5
Total Daily 12,120,202 11,744,132 -376,070 -3.10
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jul 2006 – Dec 2006
Sunday Titles Jul 05 – Dec 05 Jul 06 – Dec 06 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday 213,797 219,040 5,243 2.5
Observer 438,483 455,272 16,789 3.8
Sunday Times 1,366,851 1,300,672 -66,179 -4.8
Sunday Telegraph 678,712 659,190 -19,522 -2.9
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday 2,292,809 2,319,309 26,500 1.2
Sunday Express 864,704 796,912 -67,792 -7.8
Daily Star Sunday. 411,301 390,233 -21,068 -5.1
News Of The World 3,718,682 3,468,216 -250,466 -6.7
People 917,662 807,756 -109,906 -12.0
Sunday Mirror 1,506,268 1,404,216 -102,052 -6.8
Total Sunday 12,409,269 11,820,816 -588,453 -4.7

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