
Practical Parenting Gets Birthday Revamp

Practical Parenting Gets Birthday Revamp

Practical Parenting Practical Parenting is marking its 20th birthday with a revamp that is intended to boost the magazine’s sophistication and cater further to its ABC1 readership.

The new look is introduced in the March issue of the magazine, which goes on sale from February 1.

IPC says that Practical Parenting‘s redesign will give the magazine a more stylish and contemporary look, with a wider coffee table size.

Publisher Ilka Schmitt said: “The redesigned Practical Parenting visually resembles a women’s magazine, which is what our readers are most comfortable reading.

Practical Parenting now feels like an indulgent treat, perfectly complementing its more information-heavy website, www.practicalparenting.co.uk.”

Susie Boone, editor, added: “Modern parents don’t want to be told what to do; they want to hear other mums’ experiences and listen to experts so they can make up their own mind.

Practical Parenting is meeting this need with a mix of expert advice and an increased presence of real mums and dads, with many pages feeling like a group of friends sharing experiences.”

The new look Practical Parenting will have more editorial pages (an average increase of eight pages per issue) and will feature several editorial changes.

The first new look issue of Practical Parenting is bagged with a set of three finger puppets.

At the last ABCs Practical Parenting had a total circulation figure of 43,465, down from 50,208 a year earlier.

IPC Media: 0870 4445000 www.ipcmedia.com

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