
Who’s Winning the Battle of the Men’s Magazines Online?

Who’s Winning the Battle of the Men’s Magazines Online?

Man On The Internet

Maxim is currently the most popular men’s lifestyle magazine site, according to latest figures released by Nielsen//NetRatings.

The site attracted 479,000 unique visitors in January, 100,000 more than second placed FHM.

Whilst those two have an established online presence, it is arguable that the newly launched digital magazine, Monkey, is making itself felt the most (see Men’s Magazines In An Online Era).

It achieved 347,000 visitors in January, and according to Nielsen//NetRatings, was the most popular site in November and December of last year.

Most Popular Men’s Magazines Online by Jan 07 Unique Audience
Rank Magazine Publisher Unique Audience Jan 07(000’s)
1 Maxim Dennis 479
2 FHM Emap 378
3 Monkey Dennis 347
4 Zoo Emap 198
5 Nuts IPC 176
6 GQ Condé Nast 113
7 Men’s Health NatMag Rodale 81
8 Loaded IPC 80
9 Bizarre Dennis 78
10 T3 Future 73
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, UK NetView home and work data, October – January 2007

Dennis Publishing provided the three fastest growing men’s magazines online over the past quarter, with Bizarre, Maxim and Monkey all showing very healthy increases in user numbers.

Perhaps most interesting is the fact that the sector as a whole appears to be showing clear signs of growth. Nine of the top ten magazines recorded a rise, and the only exception, Men’s Health, saw usage drop by just 2%.

Unique Audience Growth: Quarter Ending Oct 06 – Quarter Ending Jan 07
Rank Magazine Publisher Unique Audience Growth Unique Audience Rank Jan 07
1 Bizarre Dennis 255% 9
2 Maxim Dennis 124% 1
3 Monkey Dennis 99% 3
4 Loaded IPC 86% 8
5 Zoo Emap 66% 4
6 GQ Condé Nast 51% 6
7 FHM Emap 48% 2
8 Nuts IPC 38% 5
9 T3 Future 4% 10
10 Men’s Health NatMag Rodale -2% 7
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, UK NetView home and work data, October – January 2007

This is in clear contrast to the men’s print magazine market, which saw most titles record significant losses in the latest ABCs (see ABC Results Jul-Dec 2006:Large Declines For Men’s Mags).

Whilst the likes of Maxim, FHM and Loaded appear to be having no difficulty in attracting more people to their sites, their print editions continue to suffer.

Alex Burmaster, European internet analyst at Nielsen//NetRatings, said: “The impressive growth in online numbers is in stark contrast to the recently published print figures that showed circulation falls for most of the leading players.

“Taken together with Dennis’ launch of the digital-only Monkey, the trends show what an important battleground the online space has already become to traditional publishers.”

Men’s Lifestyle Magazine Circulations: Jul-Dec 2006 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jul-Dec 05 Jul-Dec 06 Actual Change % Change
Arena EMAP 49,296 34,556 -14,740 -29.9
Bizarre Dennis Publishing Limited 71,776 60,667 -11,109 -15.5
Esquire The National Magazine Company Ltd 54,548 52,468 -2,080 -3.8
FHM (For Him Magazine) EMAP 500,865 371,263 -129,602 -25.9
Focus Bristol Magazines 57,306 59,318 2,012 3.5
GQ Conde Nast Publications Ltd 126,275 127,505 1,230 1
Loaded IPC Media Ltd 232,001 162,554 -69,447 -29.9
Maxim Dennis Publishing Limited 185,908 131,497 -54,411 -29.3
Men’s Fitness Dennis Publishing Limited 67,636 65,135 -2,501 -3.7
Men’s Health Natmag Rodale 233,445 238,568 5,123 2.2
Monkey** Dennis Publishing Limited n/a 209,612 n/a n/a
Nuts* IPC Media Ltd 306,802 295,002 -11,800 -3.8
Stuff Haymarket Publishing Group Limited 90,750 100,265 9,515 10.5
Zoo* EMAP 260,470 204,564 -55,906 -21.5
*Published Weekly **Weekly Digital Magazine – ABCe figures

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