
Silver Surfers Claim Larger Share Of UK Online Population

Silver Surfers Claim Larger Share Of UK Online Population

Old Man The share of the UK internet population made up of ‘Silver Surfers’ (55+ year olds) has increased from 16% to 19% over the past year (October 2006 -October 2007), according to the latest research from Nielsen Online.

Nielsen Online said that during the same period, the share made up of under 25s has decreased from 29% to 25%, a relative drop in share of 16%.

Overall, the average age of the UK internet population has risen from 35.7 to 37.9 in this period.

Alex Burmaster, internet analyst, Nielsen Online, said: “When looking at how a particular audience is composed by age, a change in share – even by just a few percentage points – actually represents quite a fundamental shift.

“Age compositions tend to evolve subtly over a number of years so to see such large changes in the course of just a year shows that the Internet population is undergoing a significant ageing process.

“It will be very interesting to see whether this trend continues over the next 12 months and, if so, whether the types of services and products offered and marketed online adapt to reflect this changing population. New online offerings and technology are usually targeted at the young, but it’s possible brands could be missing a trick if they continue down this path in the future.”

Nielsen Online found that five of the ten online brands with the youngest average age concern entertainment, four concern social networking, while the five online brands with the oldest average age are all familiar ‘high-street’ brands

Brands* with youngest UK Unique Audience average age: October 2007
Rank Brand* Average Age Primary nature of offering
1 MiniClip 28.1 Online games
2 LimeWire 28.9 File-sharing
3 Bebo 29.4 Social network
4 Nickelodeon Kids & Family Network 29.6 Entertainment (kids)
5 RockYou! 31.1 Social network tool
6 Slide 31.4 Social network tool
6 Disney Online 31.4 Entertainment (kids)
8 CNET Networks Entertainment 33.2 Entertainment (TV/games)
9 Fox Interactive Media 33.4 Social network
10 Gorilla Nation Media 34.2 Entertainment (various)
Source: Nielsen Online, UK NetView, home & work data, including applications, October 2007
Brands with oldest UK Unique Audience average age: October 2007
Rank Brand Average Age Primary nature of offering
100 Marks & Spencer 46.5 Retailer
97 The National Lottery 44.9 Lottery
97 John Lewis 44.9 Retailer
97 BT 44.9 Telecoms
96 Nationwide 44.5 Financial services
95 Ciao! 43.9 Price comparison / reviews
94 Friends Reunited 43.8 Social network
92 Money Saving Expert 43.5 Financial advice
92 Tiscali 43.5 Telecoms
91 TUI 43.2 Travel
Source: Nielsen Online, UK NetView, home & work data, including applications, October 2007

Burmaster added: “Apart from age, there are two very obvious distinctions between brands with the youngest and oldest audiences. Firstly, young-audience brands tend to be about being entertained or making friends whereas older-audience brands are about products and services.

“Secondly, those with the youngest audiences tend to be pure online players – only Nickelodeon and Disney have recognisable online offerings – whereas brands with the oldest audiences are dominated by those who have a real-world presence.

“After all, it isn’t surprising that older audiences who haven’t grown up with the Internet should gravitate towards brands with which they’ve had a familiar ‘bricks and mortar’ relationship with in the past. Their use of the Internet also tends to be more functional than younger age groups for whom it is very much about fun.”

The total number of people using the internet over the third quarter of 2007 comes to 30.6 million according to figures released by BMRB, a year on year increase of 7.9% (see Online Usage Round-Up Q3 2007).

Nielsen Online: www.nielsen-online.com

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