
Ruth Brownlee Appointed New Director Of AOP

Ruth Brownlee Appointed New Director Of AOP

AOP Ruth Brownlee has been appointed director of the UK Association of Online Publishers (AOP).

Brownlee has over 10 years’ experience in digital media, having been an instrumental figure in the growth of Handbag.com, Yahoo!, and a key figure in developing online partnerships at Channel 4.

She has most recently been working as a digital strategy advisor to a variety of publishing brands. She will take up her position with AOP at the end of January.

Simon Waldman, AOP chairman and group director of digital strategy and development, Guardian Media Group, said: “Ruth Brownlee is a natural choice to be AOP’s new director.

“Her industry experience and breadth of online expertise are second to none, and she will take the association to the next level, in what is an exciting period of growth for online publishing across the board.”

Brownlee added: “I am immensely excited about the role and the opportunity to lead an organisation that has such an impressive set of publishers behind it. There is real ambition within AOP and that excites me.”

AOP: www.ukaop.org.uk

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