
Google Remains Most Visited UK Web Property

Google Remains Most Visited UK Web Property

Man On Computer In May, Google maintained its place as the most-visited web property in the UK with nearly 28 million visitors, reaching 89% of UK web users age 15 and older, according to a new report from comScore.

Microsoft was the second placed property with 27.4 million visitors and a reach of 87%.

comScore says that Facebook continued its meteoric rise, up 30% from April to 4.8 million visitors, its third consecutive month of gains of 30% or more.

Facebook has increased its visitor base by 2,123% from May 2006, when it garnered only 216,000 unique visitors.

Recent research conducted by Q Research for MediaGuardian.co.uk found that a third of British teenagers have at least four social networking profiles on sites such as MySpace, Bebo and Facebook (see Social Networking Sites Appeal To 90% Of British Teens).

The comScore figures also show that Channel 4 surged in popularity (up 31% to 4.4 million visitors) driven by the start of a new series of Big Brother.

The Weather Channel was the UK’s fastest growing property, up 36% to 2.4 million UK visitors.

Guardian Media Group’s strong uptick of 14% to 3.7 million visitors was likely driven by its recent site redesign as well as the news of Tony Blair’s departure from office.

Of the top 20 sites, BSkyB and Bebo experienced the strongest growth from April to May, with the number of unique visitors increasing by over 17% and 13%, respectively.

Top 20 Gaining Properties by Percentage Change in UK Unique Visitors*, May 2007 v April 2007, Total UK Visitors, Age 15+ – Home and Work Locations**
  April 2007 (000) May 2007 (000) Percentage Change
Total UK Internet Audience, Age 15+ 31,150 31,514 1%
Weather Channel, The 1,760 2,395 36%
Channel4 3,380 4,417 31%
FACEBOOK.COM 3,694 4,810 30%
Ciao Sites 2,414 3,047 26%
Happygroup 3,278 4,038 23%
Hearst Digital Network UK 2,004 2,423 21%
Priceline.com Incorporated 2,557 3,001 17%
Arcadia Group Limited 2,268 2,657 17%
British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB) 6,655 7,786 17%
Karstadt-Quelle 3,795 4,395 16%
First Choice Holidays PLC 2,414 2,794 16%
Oversee.net Network 3,043 3,511 15%
EasyGroup 3,089 3,558 15%
Trinity Mirror Group 3,761 4,330 15%
Marks&Spencer 2,071 2,383 15%
Deutsche Telekom 2,213 2,531 14%
Guardian Media Group 3,249 3,711 14%
Play.com Sites 3,608 4,087 13%
TUI Group 3,786 4,280 13%
BEBO.COM 8,302 9,383 13%
*Ranking baed on top 100 UK properties in May 2007
**Excludes traffic from public computers such as internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs
Source: comScore World Metrix

comScore: www.comscore.com

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