
Emap Launches Consumer Insight Event

Emap Launches Consumer Insight Event

Emap Logo Emap Advertising has announced the launch of ‘People 2.0: A User’s Guide’, an event showcasing their latest consumer insight, to be held on Tuesday 24 April at the Imagination Gallery, London.

Aimed at strategic planners and advertisers, the event has been designed to shed some light into the fast-evolving world of consumer and media behaviour.

Bruce Daisley, chairman of People 2.0 and Emap Advertising’s digital sales director, said: “The media industry is in a state of panic thinking consumers are changing dramatically in terms of their media interaction and behaviour.

“We want to use this event to explore the reality of the situation. A better understanding of consumer behaviour will ultimately facilitate better planning in the increasingly merged worlds of online and offline media.”

Sam Fosbury, marketing director at Emap Advertising, added: “Events such as People 2.0 are really important to us at Emap Advertising as it is a chance to share the vast amount of insight we have on consumer behaviour with our customers. We believe that better insight inspires better media planning and increases creative excellence.”

Emap: 01733 568 900 www.emap.co.uk

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