
thelondonpaper Hits Back With Press Ad

thelondonpaper Hits Back With Press Ad

Click to Enlarge Image thelondonpaper has hit back at Associated Press after the publisher circulated footage of thelondonpaper distributors dumping bulk copies of the title.

As well as sacking those distributors who were caught on camera, it has published an ad in this today’s Campaign Week in an attempt to refute the claims that the practice of dumping copies is widespread.

The ad, which will also appear in tomorrow’s Campaign attacks the Evening Standard, appearing under the headline “Thank You Evening Standard”.

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It accuses the 50p Associated Press title of “crude propaganda”, saying: “Their newspaper is bought by 29% fewer people than a year ago, which might explain why its parent company, Associated Newspapers, has launched a dirty tricks campaign to destroy competition in the London newspaper market.”

It adds: “Their aim is to kill off thelondonpaper so they can close the London Lite and give the Evening Standard back its old monopoly.”

At the last ABCs, thelondonpaper had a circulation figure of around 502,000, whilst the London Lite had a total of more than 400,200.

The Evening Standard, meanwhile, dropped by over 2% month on month, leaving its ABC figure at almost 266,600 (see thelondonpaper Remains Ahead Of London Lite).

Last week, Westminster Council told the squabbling pair that it would ban them both if they did not contribute towards the cost of recycling, claiming that the free newspapers generate three to four tonnes of waste every day (see Council Could Ban Freesheets).

News International: 020 7782 3922 www.newscorp.co.uk Associated Newspapers: www.associatednewspapers.com

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