
ITV Broke CRR Rules Once In Past 12 Months

ITV Broke CRR Rules Once In Past 12 Months

Watching TV The latest CRR adjudicator’s record shows that ITV broke the Contract Rights Renewal rules once in the past 12 months.

The adjudicator’s office was formally asked to rule on three cases involving ITV, ruling against the braodcaster in only one of them.

Of the three, one concerned the terms offered by ITV on a line-by-line deal for an advertiser previously within an agency deal, and the another involved the terms ITV offered when the media agency proposed to alter the parameters of its core agency deal.

ISBA and the IPA also had their views on CRR recorded in the report, with ISBA saying that the scheme is working well, whilst the IPA said that it has worked smoothly since November, although it did relay some concerns from members that is “on its best behaviour for a purpose”.

The new report is the first from the adjudicator’s office since Robert Ditcham took over from David Connolly last May.

The Office Of The Adjudicator: www.adjudicator-crr.org.uk

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