
Largest Ever Taxi Campaign Yields Research Results

Largest Ever Taxi Campaign Yields Research Results

Clear Channel Logo Clear Channel Outdoor UK has just released the results of new research carried out for T-Mobile and Taxi Media into the UK’s largest ever taxi advertising campaign.

A media first of 690 pink liveried taxis in London and Birmingham, running 24 creative executions, led to the campaign delivering the highest advertising awareness figures of any previous taxi advertising campaign in the UK. The research identified awareness of the T-Mobile campaign in one out of every three individuals interviewed in the test cities.

The objective of this year-long campaign, running until 27 March 2007, is to further build awareness of the T-Mobile brand on the street.

It targets young people, from 18 to 35 years old, and gives them guidance on the best nights out in their city. The creative, which uses the line “the word gets around with T-Mobile”, is about having a great night out and using mobile phones to make social plans.

When respondents were asked to spontaneously recall which companies they had seen advertised on a taxi, T-Mobile achieved over five times more responses than the second most recognised campaign in the two cities.

Eighty-six per cent of respondents found the campaign “eye-catching”, while three quarters said it was original. Respondents were also aware of the intentions behind the campaign with the consensus among participants being that T-Mobile has chosen to advertise on taxis as a means to “get people talking” and because it is “different”.

Sam Taylor, T-Mobile head of brand and advertising, said: “We knew that taxis would be a great way to inject the T-Mobile brand into the social network of young people in London and Birmingham but getting the creative right on non-traditional formats can sometimes present a challenge.

“I have always been an advocate of out-of-home media so it is great to have hard results to back up my advertising investment.”

Andy Pang, marketing and research manager at Clear Channel Outdoor, said: “Accountability is key in any advertising campaign, and both T-Mobile and Taxi Media have been delighted with the outcome of this innovative campaign.

“Clear Channel Outdoor and Taxi Media are always looking to work with clients to provide accountability and to further improve future campaigns through media research knowledge.”

To construct an accurate picture of the campaign’s success, Clear Channel Outdoor UK worked with media research specialists Quaestor to develop an independent research programme that consisted of 500 12-minute in-street interviews in London, Birmingham and a control location of Leeds.

Fieldwork data was targeted to include respondents of interest to T-Mobile, 18 to 35 year olds within the social class ABC1C2.

Clear Channel: 0207 478 2928 www.clearchannel.co.uk

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