
Google & Yahoo: Partnership Still On?

Google & Yahoo: Partnership Still On?

Yahoo! Google and Yahoo!’s proposed search partnership may be under threat, according to reports from the US.

The deal has already come under fire from a number of advertising and regulatory bodies on both sides of the Atlantic, due to both companies comprising 80% of the US search market.

Google and Yahoo! met with the US Department of Justice on Thursday, with people familiar with the matter suggesting to the Wall Street Journal that both companies may decide to walk away rather than pursue the partnership further.

However, despite the suggestion, both companies have said that they are still committed to pushing the deal through.

The proposed partnership will be discussed at MediaTel’s “Future of Online” seminar, which is taking place on November 25.

The panel includes Google’s Dominic Allon. More details can be found on our Seminar website: http://seminars.mediatelgroup.co.uk/

Google: 020 7031 3000 www.google.co.uk/ Yahoo!: 020 7808 4200 www.yahoo.co.uk

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