
Royal Mail unveils new commercial advertising channel

Royal Mail unveils new commercial advertising channel

Royal Mail Logo Royal Mail has launched its first commerical advertising and communications channel ‘Matter box’, with free brand representations from a number of international household names.

As part of the company’s drive to “deliver innovation in marketing to engage consumers”, Royal Mail plans to deliver the product to over 30,000 UK customers this weekend.

Matter box was trialled earlier this year and Royal Mail said it “created a storm of interest” – reportedly featuring on more than 100 blogs and websites, as well as YouTube.

Over a two week period following the initial trial, more than 20,000 people registered with the company to receive a box – now more than 65,000 people have signed up to receive one.

However, the latest box, which will be delivered this Saturday to people who subscribed before September 5, is the first commercial mailing.

Several brands have paid for their place in the Matter box, including 02, LoveFilm, HarperCollins and BBC Audio Books, and Royal Mail said it is now talking to “advertisers keen to be involved in subsequent boxes in 2009”.

Royal Mail describes the product as “a box that fits the standard dimensions of a UK household letterbox, containing a range of physical brand representations.”

Anthony Miller, head of media business development at Royal Mail, said: “Advertisers are no longer able to rely only on consumers seeing or hearing their messages to boost sales – they now have to really engage people top create standout.

“Matter harnesses the marketing power of direct mail – communicating one-to-one with targeted recipients – and allows brands to physically place their products into people’s hands,” he added.

Royal Mail: www.royalmail.com

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