
Internet TV “Has Had Little Impact On British Viewing Habits”

Internet TV “Has Had Little Impact On British Viewing Habits”

Online TV Internet TV has had little impact on British viewing habits, according to a Deloitte report produced for the Media Guardian Edinburgh International Television Festival.

The report found that only 4% of the UK population consider it “very important” to be able to receive TV via the internet, while 47% still regard it is as not important to them at all.

Television industry executives see the internet as broadcast commercials’ greatest threat in 2008 with 69% of executives fearing the movement of advertising revenue away from television to online.

Jolyon Barker, head of Deloitte’s Technology, Media and Telecoms practice, said: “Internet TV currently appeals most to the young: 25% of 18-24 year olds thought the ability to watch Internet TV was important compared to just 8% of over 55s. Deloitte expects the audience for internet TV to increase as this audience grows up.”

Television executives predict a growing appetite for internet television, with 47% believing that by 2010 it will be embraced by the majority of viewers, but for a minority of viewing.

Television executives fear for the future of the traditional television commercial due to the movement of advertising revenue away from television to online (69%). However the report reveals members of the public were mainly content (43%) with the number of commercial channels on television and only a quarter (27%) wanted fewer.

Barker said: “It is clear that television and the internet are not discrete, mutually exclusive advertising media. Broadcasters should not see internet TV as a threat to traditional TV. A pound spent on the internet does not necessarily mean a pound lost for television.

“Internet TV will continue to play a key role in the television sector and one of its biggest contributions will be to bolster traditional, linear television, for example marketing programmes that help to maintain interest in a series between episodes. An increasing number of campaigns rely on a strong integration between Internet and television.”

JupiterResearch published a report earlier this week revealing that 28% of Europeans now regularly watch online video, more than double the rate in 2006.

Deloitte: www.deloitte.com

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