
ABC Results Jan-Jun 2008:Mixed Period For Men’s Lifestyle Magazines

ABC Results Jan-Jun 2008:Mixed Period For Men’s Lifestyle Magazines

Men's Magazines Free magazine Shortlist had the highest circulation in the men’s lifestyle sector according to the latest ABC consumer magazine figures.

The title had a total figure of more than 481,000 copies. As it only launched in September 2007 it is not possible to make a year on year comparison, however it was up 4% on last period.

Although fellow free magazine Sport suffered a slight dip year on year, of 0.5%, its circulation remained high at well over 315,000 copies.

Away from the frees, Maxim experienced a difficult period, with a year on year fall of around 59.5% leaving it with a total circulation of under 44,000 copies.

FHM shed around 31,000 copies year on year, or 10%, to leave its circulation at around 280,000.

Also down was Loaded, which fell by around 21% year on year. Its circulation now rests at a little over 95,000 copies.

IPC’s weekly title Nuts fell by almost 10% year on year, to 250,000 copies, while Bauer Consumer Media’s Zoo was down by around 13.5% year on year, taking its circulation to around 161,000.

It was not all bad news in the sector though, with Esquire and GQ both up, by around 8.5% and 1.5% respectively.

Esquire now has a circulation of over 58,000, while GQ‘s stands at 130,000.

Bauer Consumer Media’s Arena remained static year on year at just under 31,000 copies.

Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness enjoyed year on year increases in their circulations, of around 2.5% and 0.5% resepectively.

Dennis Publishing’s Men’s Fitness now has a circulation of almost 66,000, while Natmag’s Men’s Health has a total figure of just over 245,000 copies.

BBC Focus, published by Bristol Magazines, increased its circulation by 14% year on year, taking it to around 70,000 copies for the six month period.

The men’s digital only magazine Monkey, published by Dennis, will have an ABCe result published in October alongside figures for the publisher’s other digital only titles iGizmo and iMotor.

Men’s Lifestyle Magazine Circulations: Jan-Jun 2008 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jan-Jun 07 Jan-Jun 08 Actual Change % Change
Arena Bauer Consumer Media 30,886 30,896 10 0.0
BBC Focus Bristol Magazines 61,475 70,122 8,647 14.1
Esquire The National Magazine Company Ltd 53,537 58,136 4,599 8.6
FHM (For Him Magazine) Bauer Consumer Media 311,590 280,392 -31,198 -10.0
GQ Conde Nast Publications Ltd 127,886 130,008 2,122 1.7
Loaded IPC Media Ltd 120,492 95,371 -25,121 -20.8
Maxim Dennis Publishing Limited 107,687 43,542 -64,145 -59.6
Men’s Fitness Dennis Publishing Limited 65,366 65,626 260 0.4
Men’s Health The National Magazine Company Ltd 238,980 245,212 6,232 2.6
Nuts* IPC Media Ltd 277,269 250,061 -27,208 -9.8
Shortlist* Shortlist Media Ltd n/a 481,320 n/a n/a
Sport Sport Media & Strategy Limited 317,093 315,406 -1,687 -0.5
Stuff Haymarket Publishing Group Limited 92,793 88,081 -4,712 -5.1
Zoo* Bauer Consumer Media 186,732 161,331 -25,401 -13.6
*Published Weekly

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 14 August 2008. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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