
ABC Results Jan-Jun 2008:Top Of The Tops Magazine Shines In Teen Sector

ABC Results Jan-Jun 2008:Top Of The Tops Magazine Shines In Teen Sector

Teen Magazines BBC Magazines’ Top Of The Pops has recorded an impressive 26% year on year circulation increase in the latest ABC figures for January to June 2008.

It is also one of only two magazines to see a period on period rise in the teen sector, up by 4.3% to over 130,000 copies.

Panini UK Ltd’s Mizz magazine saw a healthy year on year increase of 6.2% to nearly 66,000 copies, however, the company’s Bliss magazine saw a relatively large year on year decline, down 11% to 107,000 copies.

Hachette Filipacchi’s Sugar also recorded a significant decline, with the largest percentage dip in the teen market, down over 15% to just under 159,000 copies.

However, Sugar saw a 1% rise in circulation this period and still remains the top selling teen magazine.

Shout also saw a slight increase, up 1% year on year, giving it a total circulation of nearly 85,000 copies.

Teenage Magazines: Jan-Jun 2008 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jan-Jun 07 Jan-Jun 08 Actual Change %Ch
Bliss Panini UK Ltd 120,419 107,112 -13,307 -11.1
Mizz Panini UK Ltd 61,781 65,609 3,828 6.2
Shout DC Thomson & Co 84,007 84,937 930 1.1
Sugar Hachette Filipacchi 187,059 158,835 -28,224 -15.1
Top Of The Pops BBC Magazines 102,997 130,174 27,177 26.4

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 14 August 2008. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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