
Royal Mail Launches New Advertising Solution

Royal Mail Launches New Advertising Solution

Royal Mail Logo Royal Mail is launching a new advertising and communications solution to get advertisers’ products and services into the homes of their target customers.

Matter is a box that fits the standard dimensions of a UK household letterbox and contains a range of physical brand representations.

More than 30,000 people registered to receive a Matter box after a test mailing featured on more than 100 blogs and websites, as well as YouTube.

The test mailing, to just under 1,000 ABC1 males, included a range of physical brand representations including a small tub of Play Doh from Sony Bravia, reflecting its ‘plasticine bunnies’ advertisement, while Nissan provided a branded box of soap crayons and Nintendo Wii included a sweatband.

Royal Mail said that consumer engagement was so successful that Virgin Atlantic’s Clubhouse Lounge offer and Stolichnaya’s Vodka Party invitation were oversubscribed and withdrawn.

Rory Sutherland, vice-chairman at Ogilvy Group UK, said: “In my opinion this is one of the biggest ideas in DM in years.”

Royal Mail, which developed the solution in an exclusive partnership with Matter Media Limited, is now talking to advertisers keen to be involved in the next Matter mailing scheduled for October.

Further research conducted amongst recipients six weeks after receiving Matter revealed that the average recall rate for each brand representation was 85%. Other findings included:

  • Almost half (41%) of recipients used the items
  • 21% gave an item to a friend or family member
  • 20% spoke with a friend or family member about the brand
  • 14% considered purchasing the brand
  • 10% were prompted to visit the brand’s website
  • 6% actually purchased the brand

Bill Gosbee, Virgin Atlantic Airways, said: “Matter is more about bonding with potential customers than selling them something. Furthermore, because consumers actively opt in to receiving the mailing, they are already receptive before it arrives.

“The halo of other exciting brands ensures that everyone engages with your stuff, even if they subsequently pass it on to someone else.”

Fraser Chisholm, head of media propositions at Royal Mail, said: “The strength of direct mail has always been that it is personal and delivered through the letterbox. Matter takes the medium to the next level.

“Real objects have more value in the digital age which is why this concept has been so favourably received. Media is changing and advertisers can no longer rely on consumers seeing or hearing their messages – they really have to engage to create standout and there is no better way than putting the brand directly into their hands.”

Matter: www.matterbox.co.uk

Royal Mail: www.royalmailgroup.com/

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