
The Independent Gets Colourful Revamp

The Independent Gets Colourful Revamp

The Independent The Independent unveiled its full colour revamp today, in a move to “ease navigation” between newspaper sections.

The revamp also includes a new “consumer focused” supplement called ‘Independent Life’, which replaces the Extra section.

Roger Alton, The Independent‘s recently appointed editor, introduced the colour-coded system to take advantage of the new full-colour presses.

He said: “The Independent has always been acclaimed for its innovative use of photography and design, and our new printing processes will allow us to maintain and surpass those high standards.”

Alton added: “In addition to our fresh new look, we have introduced a series of improvements to the paper’s structure and content.”

The second section will now have a new daily focus – style and beauty on Monday, health and wellbeing on Tuesday, games and gadgets on Wednesday, food and drink on Thursday and arts and books on Friday.

Other changes include a new daily quiz called Location, Location and updated headlines and labelling typefaces.

The revamp comes less than a week after the daily paper increased its cover price to £1 (see The Independent Raises Its Cover Price).

Independent: 020 7005 2000 www.independent.co.uk

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