
TV And Online Are More Effective Together

TV And Online Are More Effective Together

Thinkbox Logo New research from Thinkbox and the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) reveals that using TV and online together in ad campaigns is significantly more effective for advertisers than using either in isolation.

Their combined use produces major benefits for advertisers, the research found, including dramatically increased positive brand perception amongst consumers – some 50% higher – as well as significantly greater likelihood of purchase.

Conducted by Q Media Research, the study focused on ‘digital consumers’; people who own a digital TV and use broadband internet, and are medium to heavy users of each.

The study focuses on the most ‘tech-savvy’ of the UK population – around 25% of its total. In terms of their precise media usage, 64% of the sample stated that they sometimes watch TV while using the internet, whilst 48% stated that they did this most days.

It found that using TV and online together results in 47% more positivity about a brand than using either in isolation, while the likelihood of buying or using a product increases by more than 50% when TV and online are used together.

In addition, 48% of the sample group watched broadcast TV while online most days, two thirds of this group have watched TV via online providers, primarily as a way to catch-up with broadcast TV and mainly from TV broadcasters’ websites.

Both TV and the internet are used for entertainment (TV, 80%; online 56%) and both have a significant influence on driving purchase (75% and 52%).

Tess Alps, chief executive of Thinkbox: “This research shows that TV and online are perfect partners and I would urge advertisers to recognise the greater impact they can have if they use both together.

“The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. TV benefits from the way online offers a means of expressing and exploring the desires and motivation TV creates.”

Guy Phillipson, chief executive of the Internet Advertising Bureau: “This important study delivers clear evidence of just how powerful and effective the TV and online combination is.

“In all the categories we tested, the results were very positive for both ‘soft’ brand measures and ‘hard’ purchase intent scores. Advertisers have been clamouring for more research about TV and online and, going forward, I’m certain these results will be highly influential to media planning.”

Thinkbox: www.thinkbox.tv IAB: 020 8683 955 www.iabuk.net

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