
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: December 2007

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: December 2007

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

The Financial Times once again weathered the storm of the declining print market in December, proving the only national daily to bolster its circulation year on year for the month.

The daily market was down almost 2% overall, but the business broadsheet managed to add almost 11,500 new copies to its ABC total, whilst all other papers in the market remained static or recorded a fall in circulation.

Significant downturns were seen for the Daily Mirror and the Sun, which dropped more than 43,000 and almost 47,000 copies respectively, whilst the Daily Mail remained relatively static.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – December 2007
Daily Titles Dec-06 Dec-07 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 899,493 873,523 -25,970 -2.9
Financial Times 437,720 449,187 11,467 2.6
Guardian 365,635 353,436 -12,199 -3.3
Independent 238,756 228,400 -10,356 -4.3
Times 635,777 615,313 -20,464 -3.2
Mid Market        
Daily Express 773,768 744,539 -29,229 -3.8
Daily Mail 2,311,057 2,310,806 -251 -0.0
Daily Mirror 1,540,917 1,494,114 -46,803 -3.0
Daily Record 407,212 385,928 -21,284 -5.2
Daily Star 750,374 726,465 -23,909 -3.2
Sun 3,028,732 2,985,672 -43,060 -1.4
Total Daily 11,389,441 11,167,383 -222,058 -1.9

Quality Daily Titles

All titles in the Quality daily market, with the exception of the Financial Times, saw a reduction in their total ABC year on year for December.

The FT, which raised its cover price last June (see Financial Times To Raise Price), and again this January (see Financial Times Cover Price Reaches £1.50), pushed its circulation up to almost 449,200, after adding 2.6% or almost 11,500 copies to its total year on year for December.

Meanwhile, the most significant actual fall of the Qualities was recorded by the Daily Telegraph, which lost almost 26,000 copies, taking its total down to 873,523 which is still the highest circulation of the Quality dailies.

The Times now reports a circulation of 615,313, following a loss just short of 20,500 year on year, whilst the Guardian dropped around 12,200, or 3.3%, to take it to under 353,500.

However, the paper’s online offering, Guardian Unlimited, remains the most visited national newspaper site in the UK with 17.5 million Unique Users, according to the ABCe (see Guardian Unlimited Records Traffic Downturn But Remains Top Newspaper Site).

The Independent also saw a fall in its total ABC, of more than 10,300 editions, taking its final figure to 228,400.

Mid-Market Daily Titles

Market leader the Daily Mail remained relatively static year on year for December, with its total standing at over 2.3 million.

Other Mid-Market title, the Daily Express, dropped 3.8% of its total, taking it down to over 744,500.

Popular Daily Titles

All titles in the Popular daily sector saw significant real term losses for December, with the Daily Mirror experiencing the highest actual fall.

The title lost almost 47,000 issues year on year for the month, taking its total under 1.5 million. The Sun also declined by more than 40,000, shedding almost 1.5% of its total to take it under the three million mark. However, despite the fall, the Sun remains the most sold national daily in the UK.

Both the Daily Record and the Daily Star also saw a dip in their total ABC for December, with the Record losing almost 21,300 – taking it to just under 386,000 – and the Star shedding almost 24,000 year on year. The Star‘s total ABC now sits at 726,465.

Sunday Newspaper Market

The Sunday newspaper market was down by more than 4.5% overall for December 2007, compared to the same period in 2006.

The Daily Star Sunday was the only one of our featured Sunday titles to enjoy a year on year increase in circulation, up by around 1.5%.

There was a relatively large decline for the New of the World, which suffered a drop in circulation of more than 213,000 copies. However, it remains the most widely circulated national title in Britain with an ABC of over 3.1 million.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – December 2007
Sunday Titles Dec-06 Dec-07 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday 198,871 198,222 -649 -0.3
Observer 435,852 429,420 -6,432 -1.5
Sunday Times 1,212,886 1,148,329 -64,557 -5.3
Sunday Telegraph 643,592 611,293 -32,299 -5.0
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday 2,241,752 2,209,642 -32,110 -1.4
Sunday Express 759,495 677,480 -82,015 -10.8
Daily Star Sunday 354,809 360,416 5,607 1.6
News Of The World 3,380,746 3,167,435 -213,311 -6.3
People 766,842 674,781 -92,061 -12.0
Sunday Mirror 1,322,720 1,315,188 -7,532 -0.6
Total Sunday 11,317,565 10,792,206 -525,359 -4.6

Quality Sunday Titles

In the Quality sector, the Independent On Sunday remained relatively static year on year, shedding around 650 copies. Its total now rests at just over 198,200.

The largest real term declines in the Sunday Quality sector were felt by the Sunday Times and the Sunday Telegraph, both down by around 5% year on year.

The Sunday Times now has a circulation of more than 1.1 million, while the Sunday Telegraph‘s stands at almost 611,300.

Meanwhile, the Observer‘s total fell by almost 6,500 copies year on year, to 429,420.

Mid-Market Sunday Titles

Both titles in the Mid-Market Sunday sector saw year on year declines, with the Mail On Sunday down by around 1.5% and the Sunday Express down by almost 11%.

The titles now report total circulations of over 2.2 million and nearly 677,500 respectively.

Popular Sunday Titles

In the Popular sector, the People‘s circulation dropped by over 92,000 copies year on year, to around 674,800.

The News Of The World was down by more than 6% year on year, leaving its total at more than 3.1 million.

Following a relatively small year on year decline of 0.6%, the Sunday Mirror now has a circulation of more than 1.3 million, whilst the Daily Star Sunday managed to buck the trend with an increase of over 1.5%, taking its total to 360,416 copies.

Six Monthly Year On Year Analysis

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jul 2007 – Dec 2007
Daily Titles Jul 07 – Dec 07 Jul 06 – Dec 06 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 899,806 884,601 -15,205 -1.7
Financial Times 430,469 439,710 9,241 2.1
Guardian 376,271 360,263 -16,008 -4.3
Independent 253,720 239,244 -14,476 -5.7
Times 662,487 637,776 -24,711 -3.7
Mid Market        
Daily Express 803,454 790,198 -13,256 -1.6
Daily Mail 2,357,878 2,349,782 -8,096 -0.3
Daily Mirror 1,608,367 1,545,245 -63,122 -3.9
Daily Record 420,486 402,757 -17,729 -4.2
Daily Star 786,627 782,790 -3,837 -0.5
Sun 3,144,567 3,117,679 -26,888 -0.9
Total Daily 11,744,132 11,550,045 -194,087 -1.65
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jul 2007 – Dec 2007
Sunday Titles Jul 07 – Dec 07 Jul 06 – Dec 06 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday 219,040 208,772 -10,268 -4.7
Observer 455,272 455,860 588 0.1
Sunday Times 1,300,672 1,208,161 -92,511 -7.1
Sunday Telegraph 659,190 637,695 -21,495 -3.3
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday 2,319,309 2,316,002 -3,307 -0.1
Sunday Express 796,912 725,936 -70,976 -8.9
Daily Star Sunday 390,233 444,426 54,193 13.9
News Of The World 3,468,216 3,320,850 -147,366 -4.2
People 807,756 708,328 -99,428 -12.3
Sunday Mirror 1,404,216 1,394,502 -9,714 -0.7
Total Sunday 11,820,816 11,420,532 -400,284 -3.4

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