
Guardian Unlimited Records Traffic Downturn But Remains Top Newspaper Site

Guardian Unlimited Records Traffic Downturn But Remains Top Newspaper Site

Guardian Unlimited The number of people logging onto Guardian Unlimited during the month of November fell month on month by nearly one million users, according to figures released by the ABCe.

While there is largely an increase in Unique Users* and Page Impressions across the national dailies, the Guardian‘s site has been losing traffic since the previous month. Guardian Unlimited is down nearly one million Unique Users and Page Impressions.

Although this is the first time since August that Unique Users for the Guardian’s online offering have fallen, it still remains the most visited national newspaper site in the UK with 17.5 million Unique Users.

Mail Online, home of the Daily Mail, remains the second most visited site in November. Online readers have increased by nearly one million since October to 14.5 million.

The Telegraph continues to grow its online offering, increasing users by 1.8 million, who are also building up Page Impressions to 109 million for the month of November.

The Sun Online has increased by nearly two million to 11.5 million users. This figure gives the Sun the lowest user number out of all the nationals featured, yet the site enjoys a huge success in managing to keep people on their website.

Comparatively the number of people logging on to the Sun and the Times‘ sites, at 11.5 and 12 million respectively, seems neck and neck. Although this is quite close in terms of people viewing their websites, the Sun‘s site continues to have great success in keeping its readers interested and logged on for longer.

The website has always had a history of high user retention and has increased in page impressions to a massive 215 million. This is no doubt thanks to the Sun‘s many domains, including page3.com, Gizmo and Dream Team FC.

*ABCe defines Unique User as “The total number of unique combinations of a valid identifier, Sites may use (i)IP+UserAgent, (ii) Cookie and/or (iii) Registration ID.” Note that where USERS are allocated IP addresses dynamically (for example by dial-up Internet Service Providers), this definition may overstate or understate the real number of individual USERS concerned.

ABC Electronic: 01442 870 800 www.abce.org.uk

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