
Roger Pratt To Step Down As NRS MD

Roger Pratt To Step Down As NRS MD

NRS Logo The managing director of the National Readership Survey, Roger Pratt, has said that he is to step down this year.

Pratt said: “I am now 62 and am looking ahead to the point at which I shall want to retire from a full-time role. I have now been managing director for 12 years and have thoroughly enjoyed running the NRS, but the time will come when I want to do other interesting things with my life.

“I am signalling my intentions early so that appropriate arrangements for an orderly succession can be made in good time.”

Simon Marquis, NRS chairman, said: “Roger has indicated to me that at some point this year he wishes to stand down. I am grateful to him for the early notice and obviously want him to help in the process of identifying a suitable successor. He will be a very hard act to follow.”

Marquis added that he hoped Pratt would be able to carry on working for the NRS “in some form” when he has stepped down from his current role.

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