
Freesheets Get Recycling Bins

Freesheets Get Recycling Bins

Freesheets Rival afternoon freesheets the London Lite and thelondonpaper are today installing 70 new recycling bins in central London following an agreement between News International, Associated Newspapers and Westminster City Council.

News International and Associated Newspapers have each installed 35 bins in the West End and Victoria at a cost of £500 each.

The London Lite and thelondonpaper distribute about 900,000 copies across London each day, with estimates claiming that newspapers account for 24% of street waste in the West End.

Westminster Council had threatened to cut distribution points by 30%, with distributors also required to sweep up within a 100 metre radius at the end of each shift (see Council Could Implement Tough New Freesheet Rules).

However, a deal on cleaning up was made, with News International, publisher of thelondonpaper, agreeing to look after recycling bins in Oxford Circus and Charing Cross, while Associated Newspapers will be looking after bins at Leicester Square and Victoria Station (see Freesheets Reach Recycling Agreement).

Westminster Council has said that it expects the recycling scheme to ensure the emptying and recycling of nearly 400 tonnes of free newspapers a year.

John Leitch, circulation director of London Lite, said: “This new recycling initiative further reinforces our green credentials and our litter picker operation which has run since the launch.”

Ian Clark, managing director of thelondonpaper, said: “Over 400 bags of litter are already collected by our distributors and litter patrol teams every day in the capital.

This is part of our ongoing efforts to minimise impact on the environment. Thelondonpaper is printed on recycled paper and uses environmentally friendly ink that can be broken down without specialist recycling techniques.”

Associated Newspapers: www.associatednewspapers.com News International: 020 7782 3922 www.newscorp.co.uk

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