
Google Remains Top In UK

Google Remains Top In UK

Google HQ Google continued its reign as the UK’s leading search property in April, with 74.2% of all searches, according to new figures from comScore.

eBay ranked second with 6%, followed by Yahoo! at 4.3% and Microsoft 3.4%.

Two UK properties, Rightmove Sites (0.8% share) and Bebo.com (0.7% share), ranked amongst the top 10. Popular social networking property, Facebook.com, claimed a 1.8-percent market share in April.

comScore qSearch 2.0 UK Share of Search Report*, April 2008 vs. March 2008, Total UK, Age 15+ – Home & Work Locations**
Property Mar-08 Apr-08 Pt Change
Total Internet 100 100 0
Google Sites 74.4 74.2 -0.2
eBay 5.7 6 0.3
Yahoo! Sites 4.4 4.3 -0.1
Microsoft Sites 3.5 3.4 -0.1
Ask Network 2.7 2.7 0
Facebook.com 1.7 1.8 0.1
AOL LLC 1.6 1.6 0
Rightmove Sites 0.8 0.8 0
Bebo.com 0.7 0.7 0
Amazon Sites 0.7 0.7 0
**Excludes searches from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs.

The report also found that there were 4.1 billion searches conducted in the UK in April, more than in any other European country, with 31.2 million UK Internet users making at least one search during the month.

comScore: www.comscore.com

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