
Sunday Times Set For Full-Colour Relaunch

Sunday Times Set For Full-Colour Relaunch

The Sunday Times The Sunday Times is due to launch its new full-colour version on July 6, with a redesign across all sections of the paper excluding the Sunday Times magazine and the Culture magazine.

It will feature a new masthead, new font and updated slogan – “The Sunday Times is my Sunday papers” to replace “The Sunday Times is the Sunday papers.”

A TV advertising campaign will support the launch from next week, which has been designed to personalise the image of the paper.

John Witherow, The Sunday Times editor, said: “It’s the first time in its 186-year history that the Sunday Times can use colour in all sections and we plan to use it to banish greyness and to reinvigorate the newsprint sections.”

He added: “I hope the redesign – which uses a bespoke Sunday Times typeface for the first time – will make the paper brighter and bolder without losing any of its authority.”

Al Trevino, the art director for News International projects, co-ordinated the redesign, which includes a customised typeface specially designed for the Sunday title.

News International have reportedly invested £650 million in new presses, which has made the full-colour version of the Sunday Times possible.

The launch and campaign comes as James Murdoch, chairman, looks to boost marketing at the UK newspaper subsidiary – he is currently recruiting a new head of marketing to work across all of News International’s titles.

The Times: 020 7782 5000 www.timesonline.co.uk News International: 020 7782 3922 www.newscorp.co.uk

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