MediaTel Group’s booking and trading system for online media, DELTA, has announced an impressive set of trial partners.
The three OPera agencies – OMD, Manning Gottlieb OMD and PHD – plus leading digital agency, Profero, will be the first agency partners. Sales point partners include AOL, MSN, Guardian Media Group and Bauer Advertising.
Adam Pace, OPera Media’s head of digital trading, recognises the benefits this can bring.
“At OPera we continuously look for ways to create extra value for our clients, and there’s no better way than giving our planners more time to look at creative solutions, rather than performing basic admin tasks,” he said.
“A streamlined booking process is absolutely essential to creating this, and we’re taking a collaborative approach with a couple of key developers in this area to drive the market forward. We are delighted that such an important set of sales points are also working closely with DELTA during this trial period.”
Duncan George, AOL’s UK sales director (pictured), has seen the success of similar initiatives in radio.
“The efficiencies brought by systems such as DELTA can only enhance trading within the online sector. My experiences of working with MediaTel in radio on J-ET were good, and I am confident that those businesses which sign up to DELTA will see benefit.”
The system will launch in two phases, firstly removing the onerous manual work associated with insertion orders and terms and conditions, providing agencies and sales points with a full campaign audit trail; and at phase two integrating with third party systems.
Alison Chadwick, business director of DELTA, emphasised how important it is that DELTA is continuing to work closely with both sides of the industry.
“There is a lot of competition to provide the most effective system to manage the online booking process, but we have seen over 50 companies now and the response has been very positive,” she said.
“We are very pleased to be working with such a great group of trial partners. They are all keen to see a system developed that best meets the longer term requirements of both agencies and sales points. We have invested a lot of time in ensuring this is a genuine two-way product, so we are hopeful that DELTA will emerge as the most useful and most-used system.”
Speaking in MediaWeek this morning, Alex Marks, UK head of marketing at Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions, said its strategy is to work with any viable platform. “The hope is that the best will emerge,” he added.
MediaTel Group: 020 7439 7575