
TV Commercial Impacts Set To Rise 17% By 2012

TV Commercial Impacts Set To Rise 17% By 2012

Watching TV Total commercial impacts will rise by nearly 17% over the next five years, according to a new report.

Media analyst Attentional also forecasts that commercial impacts for adults in the ABC1 socio-economic demographic will rise even more sharply at 19.5%.

Share of commercial impacts (SOCI) is expected to decrease slightly for the main commercial terrestrial networks, with ITV and Channel 4 seeing dips of 3.2% and 3.6% respectively between 2007 and 2012.

This will leave them with SOCI figures of 40.4% and 18%. For ITV this shows that the rate of decline in SOCI has significantly improved over recent years, said Attentional.

Virgin Media and BSkyB are predicted to increase SOCI by 4.4% and 4.1% respectively, leaving Virgin with a SOCI of 4.4% in 2012 and BSkyB with 6.8%.

UKTV should see the largest growth in SOCI, according to Attentional, with a 15.2% increase leaving it with an estimated 7.2% share of commercial impacts in 2012.

Attentional: www.attentional.com

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