
All Commercial Radio Suffers YoY Dip In Weekly Reach

All Commercial Radio Suffers YoY Dip In Weekly Reach

Radio Set The latest RAJAR figures, for the second quarter of 2008, show that All Commercial radio suffered a year on year dip in weekly reach of around 3.2%, although it remained relatively static period on period.

All BBC was up slightly year on year in terms of reach, by 0.2%, while period on period it recorded a fall of 2.6%.

All Commercial’s average hour per listener figure grew by almost 1.5% period on period, while its share of listening was up by 3.2% over the same time frame.

Share of Listening

All Commercial radio saw its share of listening grow by almost 3.2% period on period, although it was down year on year, by 2.5%. Its share now stands at around 42.5% of all radio listening in the UK.

All National Commercial Radio remained static year on year but enjoyed a very healthy period on period boost, of 4.7%, taking its total share to over 11%.

Locally, All Local Commercial radio had a total share of listening of just over 31% following a period on period rise of just under 3%. However, it was down year on year by almost 3.5%.

There was a year on year rise in share of listening for All BBC, up by more than 2%, although it was down period on period by around the same figure, leaving its total at 55.5%.

Q2 saw All BBC Network radio grow its share of listening by almost 3.4% year on year, giving it a total of 46%.

Q2 2008 RAJAR Share Of Listening (%) Comparisons
  Ending Jun 07 Ending Sep 07 Ending Dec 07 Ending Mar 08 Ending Jun 08 YoY % Change Jun 07 vs Jun 08 QoQ % Change Mar 08 vs Jun 08
All BBC 54.3 54.4 55.4 56.8 55.5 2.21 -2.29
All BBC Network Radio 44.5 45.0 45.4 47.0 46.0 3.37 -2.13
All Commercial 43.5 43.3 42.4 41.1 42.4 -2.53 3.16
All Local Commercial (National TSA) 32.3 31.7 31.1 30.3 31.2 -3.41 2.97
All National Commercial 11.2 11.6 11.3 10.7 11.2 0.00 4.67
BBC Local/Regional 9.8 9.4 10.0 9.9 9.6 -2.04 -3.03
Other Listening 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.1 -4.55 0.00

Weekly Reach

Within the commercial sector, All Commercial radio suffered a year on year downturn in its weekly reach, of around 3.2%.

All Commercial radio now has a total reach of just under 31 million listeners each week.

Both All Local Commercial and All National Commercial were down year on year, by around 3% and 2.5% respectively, although All Local Commercial enjoyed a period on period boost of around 0.6%.

All BBC’s reach was up by around 0.2% year on year, although it was down on last period, by 2.6%. Its total now stands at over 33.3 million listeners.

All Local Commercial now has a total weekly reach of just under 25 million listeners, while All National Commercial’s stands at almost 13.8 million.

There was a large period on period decline for BBC/Local Regional, shedding nearly 7.7% of its listeners, to leave its total weekly reach at 9.5 million.

Q2 2008 RAJAR Weekly Reach (000s) Comparisons
  Ending Jun 07 Ending Sep 07 Ending Dec 07 Ending Mar 08 Ending Jun 08 YoY % Change Jun 07 vs Jun 08 QoQ % Change Mar 08 vs Jun 08
All BBC 33,245 32,893 33,139 34,219 33,323 0.23 -2.62
All BBC Network Radio 29,356 29,091 29,234 30,282 29,611 0.87 -2.22
All Commercial 32,005 31,230 30,716 31,019 30,984 -3.19 -0.11
All Local Commercial (National TSA) 25,791 25,086 24,606 24,847 24,992 -3.10 0.58
All National Commercial 14,144 14,219 13,655 14,126 13,760 -2.71 -2.59
BBC Local/Regional 9,889 9,600 9,818 10,293 9,504 -3.89 -7.67
Other Listening 2,979 2,964 3,022 3,035 2,978 -0.03 -1.88

Average Hours Per Listener

All BBC was down both year on year and period on period, by 2.3% and 1.7% respectively, leaving it with a 17 hour average.

While All Commercial radio saw its average hours per listener fall around 3.5% year on year, it showed a period on period rise of almost 1.5%, giving it a 13.9 hour average.

It was a similar story for All Local Commercial, which dipped 3.8% year on year but was up period on period by 0.8%, to take its average hours to around 12.5 per listener.

BBC Local Regional was also up period on period, by 3%, taking its average hours to just over 10 per listener.

After dropping below eight hours in the first quarter of 2008, All National Commercial enjoyed a rise of 5% in Q2 to take its average hours per listener figure to almost 8.5.

Other listening, meanwhile, suffered a large year on year fall, of around 9%, leaving it with an average of seven hours per listener.

Q2 2008 RAJAR Average Hours Per Listener Comparisons
  Ending Jun 07 Ending Sep 07 Ending Dec 07 Ending Mar 08 Ending Jun 08 YoY % Change Jun 07 vs Jun 08 QoQ % Change Mar 08 vs Jun 08
All BBC 17.3 16.9 17.0 17.2 16.9 -2.31 -1.74
All BBC Network Radio 16.0 15.8 15.8 16.0 15.8 -1.25 -1.25
All Commercial 14.4 14.1 14.0 13.7 13.9 -3.47 1.46
All Local Commercial (National TSA) 13.2 12.9 12.9 12.6 12.7 -3.79 0.79
All National Commercial 8.4 8.3 8.4 7.9 8.3 -1.19 5.06
BBC Local/Regional 10.5 10.0 10.4 9.9 10.2 -2.86 3.03
Other Listening 7.8 8.0 7.4 7.2 7.1 -8.97 -1.39

New RAJAR specification introduced in Q2 2007. Please use caution.

RAJAR: 020 7292 9040 www.rajar.co.uk

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