
thelondonpaper’s Circulation Up 6%

thelondonpaper’s Circulation Up 6%

Man Reading A Paper In January thelondonpaper saw its circulation rise by more than 6% month on month, giving it a total figure of over 500,000 copies.

This was well ahead of the London Lite, which following an increase of around 2.5% now has a circulation nearing 400,000 .

Paid-for title the Evening Standard also enjoyed a circulation upturn in January, with an increase of more than 3.5% taking its total to almost 295,000.

Morning freesheet Metro experienced month on month growth, of just over 1%. Its total now stands at over 751,000.

However, City AM suffered a decline in circulation, of almost 2.5%, leaving its total at under 85,000.

Title Audit Dec-07 Jan-08 Actual Change PoP % Change PoP
Morning Papers          
City AM BDP 86,522 84,489 -2,033 -2.3
Metro (London) BDP 742,291 751,444 9,153 1.2
Evening Papers          
Evening Standard (London) ABC 284,406 294,823 10,417 3.7
London Lite BDP 389,304 398,820 9,516 2.4
thelondonpaper BDP 471,158 500,592 29,434 6.2
Total London Papers   1,144,868 2,030,168 885,300 77.3

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