
Microsoft to unveil Bing search engine this week

Microsoft to unveil Bing search engine this week

Microsoft Logo The launch of Microsoft’s new search engine, now understood to be called Bing, will be supported by a $100 million (£63.27 million) advertising campaign.

The search engine, developed under the code-name Kumo, will get its public unveiling at this week’s D: All Things Digital conference in California.

JWT, which won Microsoft’s global B2B account last summer, has created the ad campaign, which includes online, TV, print and radio.

According to AdAge the ads will ask users whether search currently solves their problems. Microsoft is hoping consumers will then consider switching search engines.

According to Microsoft research, 42% of current searches require refinement, and 25% of clicks are the back button. However, the data also shows that about 65% of people are satisfied or very satisfied with online search.

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