
IPA reveals record agency staff levels

IPA reveals record agency staff levels

IPA Logo The IPA has published its 2008 Agency Census report showing that there was a record number of people working in agencies last year.

There were 20,131 people working in 272 member agencies on September 1 last year compared to 19,077 people in 261 member agencies a year previously.

This is a rise of 1,054 people and the highest total figure recorded since the survey was established in 1960. Figures have been steadily rising since 1993, and have returned to a level last seen in 1966, said the IPA.

The 170 agencies based in London accounted for 76.8% of employed base, the 84 based out of London accounted for 20.2% and the remaining 18 in Scotland 2.9%.

The overall gender profile splits around 50%/50% with an estimated 51.9% of the employed base being male and 48.1% female. This compares to 51.6% and 48.4% in 2007.

Hamish Pringle, IPA director general, said: “We’ve published this survey since 1960 and so have been able to record how the IPA membership’s employment patterns have changed, both inside and outside London for nearly fifty years.

“We can therefore track the effects of a downturn on our industry and, with the headlines we’ve seen over the last few weeks, we expect that 2008 may well be remembered as a peak year for agency staff levels.”

IPA: 020 7235 7020 www.ipa.co.uk

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