
New research reveals customer publishing showing impressive growth

New research reveals customer publishing showing impressive growth

APA Logo The customer publishing industry has experienced impressive growth in the face of a tough economic climate, according to new market research from Mintel, commissioned by the Association of Publishing Agencies (APA) and sponsored by DHL.

The report reveals that since the last study three years ago the customer publishing industry has grown to a value of £904 million and forecasts that it will reach £1.1 billion by 2012.

Whilst print remains the main format for customer publishers accounting for 75% of the total (including magazines, catalogues and direct mail), this figure has fallen significantly since the last study when it made up 90% of the total.

New clients represent just over half (51%) of the industry, with the number of pitches increasing by 60% since the last report and the number of pitches per agency rising from five to eleven in the same period.

As a result of increased business, the average number of employees per customer publishing agency has increased from 66 to 74 employees.

Julia Hutchison, COO, APA, said: “This latest report represents a positive marker for everyone involved in the customer publishing industry in the face of the current climate. Whilst the overall media outlook is gloomy, the huge growth that our industry has experienced since the last industry research has placed the medium in a very strong position.

“This robust future is due to the consistent demonstration of ownership of editorialisation of brand by customer publishers and the growth of digital in the medium is testament to the channel holistic nature of customer publishing. This research underlines the continued recognition by big brands of the unrivalled value of customer publishing in building long-lasting customer relationships.”

Association of Publishing Agencies: www.apa.co.uk

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