
Government launches anti-obesity ad campaign

Government launches anti-obesity ad campaign

Junk Food The government is launching a £275 million marketing campaign aimed at tackling the obesity crisis.

Beginning with a TV ad which breaks tomorrow, the Department of Health’s Change4Life campaign includes £75 million of government marketing and a pledge of £200 million in services and marketing support from a coalition of companies.

Dawn Primarolo, public health minister, said: “Change4Life has a critical ambition, we are trying to create a lifestyle revolution on a huge scale, something which no government has attempted before.

“We have adopted ideas from successful movements such as Make Poverty History and Comic Relief. We want families to engage with the campaign and understand that obesity is not someone else’s problem.”

This month and in March, ITV will take part in the campaign by broadcasting two primetime Saturday night shows called the Feelgood Factor, encouraging viewers to lose weight, eat healthily and take more exercise.

The first 90-second TV ad, was made by M&C Saatchi, and will be supported by billboard and magazine ads with the message “Eat well, Move More and Live Longer.”

The Advertising Association has organised a wide-ranging media coalition to support the government’s campaign.

Department of Health: www.dh.gov.uk

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