
RTL chief backs Channel 4/Five merger

RTL chief backs Channel 4/Five merger

Gerhard Zeiler Gerhard Zeiler, the chief executive of Five’s parent company RTL, believes that a merger between Channel 4 and Five is the best way to sustain public service television in the UK.

Zeiler said that a merger would guarantee the future of both as public service channels with unique identities, and lead to a more balanced television landscape.

“Simply allowing Channel 4 to carry on as before but with the injection of public money does not resolve structural issues. What is needed is a solution that has long-term industrial logic while “preparing both channels for the “any time anywhere” personalised digital world,” said Zeiler.

Writing in today’s Financial Times, Zeiler said that a merger “makes particular sense” at the current time, with the current financial downturn seeing private/public partnerships forged throughout the business world.

RTL has a good track record of working in successful partnerships and “would welcome the interaction that a new partnership with the UK government would bring”, said Zeiler.

“UK broadcasting has always had an important place within Europe as a centre of excellence and innovation. Decisions taken over the next few weeks should reinforce that. We as RTL Group are committed to playing our part in securing a sustainable new UK broadcasting landscape.”

Five: 020 7550 5555 www.five.tv Channel Four: 020 7396 4444 www.channel4.com

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