
BBC Trust emphasises support for BBC partnerships

BBC Trust emphasises support for BBC partnerships

BBC Logo The BBC Trust has reaffirmed its view that a partnership approach from the BBC is the best way to deliver a wide range of public service broadcasting.

In a response to the government’s Digital Britain report (see

Broadband for all by 2012

Broadband for all by 2012

Broadband for all by 2012 ITV and BBC could share regional news centres).

ITV estimated that the partnership could save it £1.5 million in 2011 rising incrementally to around £7 million per annum by 2016.

The trust added that it agrees with the government over the need for provision of public service broadcasting beyond the BBC.

“We do not believe that audiences would be best served in a world where just two broadcasters – the BBC as the sole provider of PSB and BSkyB as the most powerful commercial provider – represented the extent of the choice available.”

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